What is Workplace Stress and How to Beat it


Stress at the Workplace is one of the biggest enemies of productivity, performance, good relationships and even health.

You need to know your enemy: define the main sources of workplace stress, figure out which ones are specific to you, and find a solution for each.

Know your potential and avoid extra Workload:

You may have a tendency to take on too much at work and at home, maybe because you don’t want to let people down. Nevertheless, if you do this, it will often lead you to worry that you have too much to do and fail to achieve all that you have taken on. Trying to take too much on will also mean that you’re not going to be able to give your best.

Being honest is better and telling people what are your real limitations is good lifesaver. By not taking on more than you can manage comfortably at any given time, you can stop being overly overwhelmed. Rather than ending up doing more than you should— and remember: it’s not a sign of weakness to ask for a helping hand, so seek help if you need it.

Tackle With The Unpredictable Workload:

What about those moments when something unexpected happens at work when there is a crisis when you usually have to take care of twice the workload? This may result in so much stress that your mental and physical health will be negatively affected.

Don’t allow that to happen. Use proper time management, good organizational skills and perfect planning to prepare for such cases. Learn to say no to additional workloads, which is also important.

Whenever heavy workload comes along, you can take a breath, outline all the work you need to do, give it a realistic deadline, break down the project into manageable tasks, and just start with the first item on the list.

Failure in taking out time for yourself:

Being on the go all the time means you’re going to be in a heightened state of anxiety all the time and your body will never get rid of your stress. In the long run, failure to take time out will also reduce your productivity.

Taking a break will mean that afterwards, you can perform much better, and as such, you can easily make up the time you used to relax and feel more refreshed. Even just ‘taking five minutes’ will refresh the battery and make your thoughts clearer. Relaxation will help your body get back to a normal healthy condition.

To Know More: How can Managers increase Employees Productivity at the Workplace

Get Away From the Distractions:

Another one of the greatest stressors in the workplace is any diversion that makes you forget what you were doing, lose focus and then need more time to concentrate on the job. That could even cause hours to be wasted every day.

A manager must realize in the long run that being distracted so often interferes with the success of the team and the goals of the organization.

Defining what takes your focus away during the working day to better manage stress and get rid of any distractions. Typically that’s social media, email, people coming to the workplace, chatting with friends, having long meetings, thought about. And so on. If any distractions are difficult to resist, consider using special tools to block them out.

Bottom line:

Workplace stress has become quite common in recent times. We unknowingly are falling prey to it. The solution is we should stop cribbing and start communicating. Mere lunch talk with your colleagues can prove to be a real stress buster. 

Make friends, plan your day in the early morning itself and set out from your home just to make your day awesome.

Are you too suffering from Workplace stress? Do visit our coworking space and learn from us the art of managing a peaceful and stress-free working space.

You’re Welcome!

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