5 Sure Shot Strategies To Build Brand Loyalty


Brand loyalty is a reflection of your clients’ probability of doing business with you over and over again. Different industries have different ways to measure loyalty, but the most basic way is to look at the number of transactions in your inventory over the lifetime of a customer. Your most valuable clients are repeat buyers. While they may not be big buyers, the income from them is likely to be more in revenue from big one-time buyers over time.

Here are some of the strategies to master the art of building Brand Loyalty:

Have a Personal Touch in your Communication:

It may be a small thing to provide your customers with personalized service, but it will go a long way. What makes people feel important, appreciated and valued is this “special” treatment.

It will make people feel a stronger connection with you by calling customers by their first name and sharing your own name with them. This shows that you are willing to be accountable and shows that you are a real person, not just a robot, to your client.

Another way to build a personalized relationship with your customers is to send private messages. You as a people’s brand can easily discover (of course from social media) who your most passionate and influential customers are. Send them private messages to their inbox thanking them for their continuous support. You’ll definitely get surprised about how a nice note thanking a client can go a long way in helping them feel appreciated. A direct message to your prominent customers will greatly enhance your service enthusiasm.

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Are you an eComm? Let them Try Before they Buy:

Free and fast delivery is now becoming the standard with brands like Amazon and Flipkart setting the bar and customer expectations. 

But can it really inspire loyalty if it’s an expectation? Nonetheless, perhaps to some degree, ecommerce brands are now realizing another key differentiator’s evolving benefits–the ‘try before you buy’ template. 

The strategy is based on risk management, with brands eliminating the confusion associated with online shopping and encouraging customers to pay for products they possess.

So, why is this loyalty-building effective? In essence, it lets customers know they are trusted, which in turn helps to build a cycle of trust in the brand and its services. It also means, on a basic level, that customers may be less concerned about the financial implications of online shopping, which could spur them on to order more regularly.

Know the Power of Brand Storytelling:

Creating a brand narrative is a key step in building brand and fostering customer loyalty. To thrive, your company can’t simply rely on selling a great product. You must sell a vision as well. The future success of your company depends on its communication with your customers. If you can connect with your buyers, sharing your vision with them and giving them a reason to buy, you will reap loyalty. If you cannot, you’re just selling another commodity easily abandoned in favour of a competitor.

You must tell a compelling story to your customers that they can relate to. It is quite necessary to give your brand a personal touch and let your customers see how your products and services can really help them solve a specific problem they have thus improving their quality of life. Your brand must reflect some of your audience’s core values, and storytelling is an excellent tool for developing a brand identity into building a strong emotional bond.

Extra Perks for your Most Loyal Customers:

One of the easiest ways to reward customer loyalty— and perhaps one of the cheapest ones— is to give extra benefits to your most valuable customers. It might be as simple as skipping the line, special meet-and-greets, or certain freebies, customers love getting something extra.

Not only do you motivate them to hang around by setting up a reward system for the most loyal ones, you often give other customers an opportunity to aspire to achieve that status.

Always Ask For Feedback:

Customer reviews go hand in hand with the satisfaction of the customer. Good reviews will improve your business prospects, good service will turn prospects into customers, and happy clients will always leave good reviews!

Good service is the first step in this process of chicken-and-egg.  Make sure that anyone in the business that is customer-facing takes care of their needs and works through any snafus to work. You can also provide great customer service through channels such as Twitter and portals for customers. After a problem has been resolved or a transaction has been completed, ask about the experience of your customer.

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Brand Loyalty: Bottom line:

Having clients is a struggle, but it’s a whole different story to keep them loyal to your brand. With fierce competition to be the best company, product or service, it’s crucial to keep the customers happy so they don’t go anywhere else. In order to get new customers, we sometimes ignore loyal customers and it’s a blunder.

Always remember: “On average loyal customers are worth up to 10 times as much as their first purchase“. 

Whether it be social media or a networking event, always try to communicate personally with your customers’ mindset and win over them with great customer service.

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